Friday, November 24, 2006

Emancipation Park

Emancipation Park is not far from Baldwin park but in a very different neighborhood. We drove by a pool. We didn't walk around this park. John used the portapotty while I quickly took this picture. Several homeless people were sitting around this park with their shopping carts beside them.

Baldwin Park

November park of the month. The city has really made many improvements. John says this used to be a real bum's hangout. There is a gravel path around the edge of the park. A gazebo like structure with welcome written in many languages is in the middle of the park. The playground is only two toys for very small kids. But the park has about four "dogie bag" dispensers located along the paths. The best feature of the park are the trees. Huge old oaks cover the entire park in a wonderful shade. One particularly old tree almost looks and feels like it might reach out and grasp you in its woody fingers.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Taylor park

This is the November park of the month according to the city's website. It is fairly isolated. Perfect place to dump stuff like about a dozen old tires. The park has about a mile of trails wandering around the park. Several bird blinds are scattered around. If the mosquitoes weren't so bad I might have been tempted to stay and see if I could spot some birds.

After windy Wednesday, the city really needs to send out people to clear the trails of all the limbs and branches.

We liked the park. I am sure we will return again to visit and watch birds.